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Julie Cicak

I've discovered by accident or frugality that I can protect my outdoor herbs and perennials by flipping my metal hanging baskets upside-down and lay the coconut linings on the outside of the baskets during the winter months. They allow air flow, moisture and protection from frost but keeps out snow weight that breaks limbs. I then use the easily torn coconut linings as ground cover for my potted tomatoes, strawberries, and other potted plants to retain moisture and prevent weeds during the growing . After that they're composted.

The other tip is to use a leaf vacuum to suck up dried leaves that mulches them and can be emptied onto your planter beds as winter compost to enrich your soil. Super easy and my plants really appreciated the added nutrients!

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Crystal Ward

@julie cicak, I do that too, but it was to keep my dog from digging in them when I seeded in the spring. My basil is so lush because of it.

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The leaves enrich my soil as well but more so keep the soil cool and moist. Cuts watering needs a lot. I grow edibles in my prairie as well like butternut squash and onions. The squash does particularly well - no squash bugs or borers for some reason. I do not burn the prairie but mow it and leave the organic matter to build the soil and prtect it until the plants grow again.


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