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Pollino, Turtle knob in Vintage Pewter
Pollino, Turtle knob in Vintage Pewter
Pollino, Turtle knob in Vintage Pewter
Pollino, Turtle knob in Vintage Pewter
Pollino, Turtle knob in Vintage Pewter
Pollino, Turtle knob in Vintage Pewter
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The largest national park in Italy, Pollino, covers more than 475,000 acres and is home to silver fir and lobels maple, rhubarb and mint, newts and yellow-bellied toads, golden eagles and eagle owls. The Pollino line of cabinet jewelry and napkin rings brings the essence of that Italian national park to your home. The turtle three inch pulls measure 3.5 x 0.75 x 1.375 inches. They are available in the following finishes: Antique Brass, Antique Copper, Antique Gold, Antique Nickel, Antique Silver, Gunmetal, Oil-Rubbed Bronze, Polished Gold, Polished Nickel, Polished Silver, Satin Nickel and Vintage Pewter. Mounting hardware is included. 100% lead free pewter. Handcrafted in Scottsdale, AZ, USA.

Pollino, Turtle knob in Vintage Pewter

    The largest national park in Italy, Pollino, covers more than 475,000 acres and is home to silver fir and lobels maple, rhubarb and mint, newts and yellow-bellied toads, golden eagles and eagle owls. The Pollino line of cabinet jewelry and napkin rings brings the essence of that Italian national park to your home. The turtle three inch pulls measure 3.5 x 0.75 x 1.375 inches. They are available in the following finishes: Antique Brass, Antique Copper, Antique Gold, Antique Nickel, Antique Silver, Gunmetal, Oil-Rubbed Bronze, Polished Gold, Polished Nickel, Polished Silver, Satin Nickel and Vintage Pewter. Mounting hardware is included. 100% lead free pewter. Handcrafted in Scottsdale, AZ, USA.

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    The largest national park in Italy, Pollino, covers more than 475,000 acres and is home to silver fir and lobels maple, rhubarb and mint, newts and yellow-bellied toads, golden eagles and eagle owls. The Pollino line of cabinet jewelry and napkin rings brings the essence of that Italian national park to your home. The turtle three inch pulls measure 3.5 x 0.75 x 1.375 inches. They are available in the following finishes: Antique Brass, Antique Copper, Antique Gold, Antique Nickel, Antique Silver, Gunmetal, Oil-Rubbed Bronze, Polished Gold, Polished Nickel, Polished Silver, Satin Nickel and Vintage Pewter. Mounting hardware is included. 100% lead free pewter. Handcrafted in Scottsdale, AZ, USA.

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