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28-Inch Bathroom Vanities

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Shop the carefully curated selection of 28-Inch Bathroom Vanities at Houzz, your ultimate destination for all things home. Our unique and one-of-a-kind vanities offer a variety of colors, materials, and styles, allowing you to mix and match to create your perfect bathroom retreat. Whether you prefer a freestanding or built-in style, our 28-inch vanities are designed to fit seamlessly into any space, making them ideal for small bathrooms and limited spaces.

Shop Bathroom Vanities by Brand, Material, and Size

With our wide range of brands, including Wyndham Collection, Fresca, James Martin Furniture, and more, you can trust that you're investing in quality craftsmanship. Natural stone, glass, and marble vanity tops are just a few of the luxurious options available, adding a touch of elegance to your bathroom. Enhance your vanity with mirrors and vanity lights from our collection, creating a cohesive and stylish look that complements your personal taste. Whether you're looking to revamp a small bathroom or create a luxurious sanctuary, our 28 Inch Bathroom Vanities deliver functionality and style, ensuring that your space reflects your unique lifestyle. Explore our collection now and transform your bathroom into a haven of relaxation and beauty.